Mapping Variant Textuality. Towards a Textual History of the Book of Numbers
Project Leader: Dr. Kirsten M. Schäfers
Argelander Starter-Kit Grant; € 27,000.
Research Assistant (WHK): Niklas Alexander Wichmann
Project Outline
This project investigates the textual history of the Old Testament book of Numbers/4th book of Moses. The analysis will illuminate the relationships between the extant manuscripts from the Hebrew (Masoretic Text; Samaritan Pentateuch; Dead Sea Scrolls), Greek (Septuagint witnesses and the recensions; Qumran), Syriac (Peshitta), and Latin (Vetus Latina; Vulgate) traditions. For the first time, all extant manuscript evidence will be assembled in a comprehensive case list, including classifications and variant patterns. The analysis applies a new hermeneutic and methodological framework that was developed by the investigator. It allows for analyzing textual and literary phenomena in one integrated approach. It highlights non-linear processes of textual transmission and illuminates the book's variant textual nature. Evidence from other Old Testament books (esp. Genesis and Psalms) will be integrated at crucial points of the analysis in order to substantiate certain text-historical claims in the textual history of the Septuagint and for further testing the hermeneutical and methodological framework beyond the book of Numbers.
The working hypothesis is that a renewed analysis of the patterns of agreement between the text witnesses will create evidence for non-linear processes of production and transmission in the textual history of Numbers and stronger evidence for variant textuality than conventionally assumed. Preliminary support for this hypothesis has been found in the analysis of the manuscript evidence for Numbers 25 (cf. Schäfers, Non-Linearität) and of a limited set of cases from 4QNumb, a manuscript from the site of Qumran at the Dead Sea dating from around the turn of the common era (cf. Schäfers, Evidence).
The project aims at closing a major gap in textual research on the book of Numbers and contributes to enhancing the methods of textual and literary criticism. The preliminary evidence gathered in the project serves the preparation of a larger follow-up project. As variant textuality is outlined as a key feature in the history of canonical texts, the project also contributes to the larger goal of navigating and negotiating ambiguities in religious traditions instead of disambiguating them.
Listen to the podcast on Instagram in which Kirsten Schäfers explains the project (German).
![Parts of the Numbers-Scroll 4QNum-b from Qumran, fragments of columns XVIII–XIX, containing parts of Num 24:17–26:34 (Plate 1084a [B-371172]) Parts of the Numbers-Scroll 4QNum-b from Qumran, fragments of columns XVIII–XIX, containing parts of Num 24:17–26:34 (Plate 1084a [B-371172])](
Project Output
Kirsten M. Schäfers, “4QNumb and Other Texts from the Qumran Library.” In The Book of Numbers. Edited by Craig A. Evans and Christian Frevel. Formation and Interpretation of Old Testament Literature (FIOTL). Leiden: Brill, in preparation.
Kirsten M. Schäfers, “The Crucial Role of Num 25 in the Reception of the Book of Numbers.” In The Book of Numbers. Edited by Craig A. Evans and Christian Frevel. Formation and Interpretation of Old Testament Literature (FIOTL). Leiden: Brill, in preparation.
Kirsten M. Schäfers, Textentstehung und Texttradition im Numeribuch: Paradigmatische Erkundungen zu Non-Linearität, Varianz und Verdichtung in Num 25. Supplements to the Textual History of the Bible 9 (THB.Sup 9), Leiden: Brill, forthcoming
Kirsten M. Schäfers and Reinhard Müller, “Gen 21,8–21: Synopse und Kommentierung.” In Vom Text zum Entstehungsmodell in der Pentateuchkritik. Untersuchungen zu Gen 20–22. Edited by Reinhard Müller and Kirsten M. Schäfers. FAT. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, forthcoming.
Kirsten M. Schäfers and Reinhard Müller, “Gen 21,8–21: Diskussion des Befundes.” In Vom Text zum Entstehungsmodell in der Pentateuchkritik. Untersuchungen zu Gen 20–22. Edited by Reinhard Müller and Kirsten M. Schäfers. FAT. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, forthcoming.
Kirsten M. Schäfers, “4QNumb LXX vs. MT SP: Evidence for Non-Linear Processes in the Textual Development of the Book of Numbers from a Neglected Variant Pattern.” In Urtext – Fluidity – Textual Convergence? The Quest for the Texts of the Hebrew Bible. Edited by Frédérique Rey, Stefan Schorch, and Sophie Robert. Contributions to Biblical Exegesis and Theology (CBET). Louvain: Peeters, accepted, forthcoming.
Kirsten M. Schäfers, “Zur Eigenart der LXX-Manuskripte der b-Gruppe in der Genesis: Spezielle Lesarten, exegetische Textplus/-minus und Berührungen mit der samaritanischen Texttradition.” TC: A Journal of Biblical Textual Criticism(TC) 29 (2024): 117–146.
(Online Open Access:
Kirsten M. Schäfers, “Verwickelte Textgeschichte: Neue Erkenntnisse zum Verhältnis von Qumran und Samaritanus.” Welt und Umwelt der Bibel 2/2021: 37–38.
The Contribution of the Evidence in 4QNum-b in Discussing Hellenistic Aspects of the Pentateuch – paper for the workshop “How Hellenistic is the Pentateuch?”, organized by T. Römer, Collège de France, Paris, 8.–9.10.2024.
4QNumb: A Text-Historical Reappraisal – paper at the Annual Meeting of the SBL (Society of Biblical Literature) 2023, San Antonio, TX (USA), 18.–21.11.2023.
“Non-Linearity, Variance and Densification” As a Conceptual Framework for Dealing with the Evidence from the Versions. An Exemplary Analysis of Ps 49 – paper at the Annual Meeting of the SBL (Society of Biblical Literature) 2021, San Antonio, TX (USA), 20.–23.11.2021.
Dealing with the Elusive “Urtext” in Pentateuchal Research. Recent Developments in the Textual History of the Book of Numbers and How To Implement Them into Pentateuchal Exegesis – paper at the conference “Urtext, Archetype, Fluidity or Textual Convergence. The Quest for the Texts of the Hebrew Bible,” Metz, France, 05.–07.11.2019.
Ps 49. Methodische Herausforderungen im Umgang mit einem ‘dunklen’ Psalm – guest lecture at the Faculty of Catholic Theology, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, 29.06.2023.
Research stay at the Department of Old Testament Studies, Faculty of Protestant Theology, University of Göttingen, and Septuaginta-Unternehmen, Niedersächsische Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen, 12.04.–06.06.2023.
Seminar in SoSe 2024 “Zur Dynamik von Textentstehung und Texttradition. Aktuelle Entwicklungen in der textgeschichtlichen Forschung” (Dynamics of Text Production and TextTradition. Recent Developments in Textual Criticism and Textual history), interdisciplinary and co-taught course together with Yannick Wiechmann, Egyptology, University of Bonn.