Universität Bonn

Katholisch-Theologische Fakultät

Katholisch-Theologische Fakultät

Kirchenrechtliches Seminar

Forschung und Lehre zu Kirchenrecht, Religionsrecht, Normtheorie, Rechtsbegründung, ius divinum, Naturrecht, Kulturrecht, Rechtskulturen, Recht und Religion, Recht und Ritual, Rechtsanwendung und -auslegung, Religionsrechtssoziologie, Recht und Macht, Rechtssprache, komparativem Recht und Rechtspluralismus

Research and Teaching with a Focus on Canon Law, Religious Law, Norm Theory, Foundation of the Law, Natural Law, Cultural Law, Legal Cultures, Law and Religion, Law and Ritual, Application and Interpretation of the Law, Sociology of Religion, Law and Power, Law and Language, Comparative Law, and Legal Pluralism

Joint Article by C Blumenthal, C Dockter, J Hahn, and K von Stosch1
“Roman Catholic Marriage: A Case Study in the Theory of Ambiguity,” Marriage, Families & Spirituality 30 (2024), 202–225.
Studentische Hilfskräfte (m/w/d) gesucht2
Wir freuen uns auf Ihre aussagekräftigen Bewerbungen!
February Comparative Law and Religion Event: Alberto Cavallarin on Religious Experiences in the Age of Diversity3
On the 26th of February, the Seminar of Canon Law will host a workshop with Alberto Cavallarin on “Religious Experiences in the Age of Diversity: An Obstacle, or an Opportunity?” 
CfP EUARE 20254
Contribute to our Panels: Receiving Synodality in Global Catholicism, Ecclesial Order(s) for the Third Millennium, and Legal Liturgies.





Avatar Neeb

Angela Neeb


Sekretariat | Office Manager
Avatar Hahn

Prof. Dr. Judith Hahn

Seminardirektorin | Director of the Seminar of Canon Law
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