Universität Bonn

Katholisch-Theologische Fakultät

Aktuelle Meldungen
CfP EUARE 20251
Contribute to our Panels: Receiving Synodality in Global Catholicism, Ecclesial Order(s) for the Third Millennium, and Legal Liturgies.
Studentische Hilfskräfte (m/w/d) gesucht2
Wir freuen uns auf Ihre aussagekräftigen Bewerbungen!
New Open Access Article3
J Hahn, “Salus animarum suprema lex”, Political Theology 2024.
Joint Article by C Blumenthal, C Dockter, J Hahn, and K von Stosch4
“Roman Catholic Marriage: A Case Study in the Theory of Ambiguity,” Marriage, Families & Spirituality 30 (2024), 202–225.
February Comparative Law and Religion Event: Alberto Cavallarin on Religious Experiences in the Age of Diversity5
On the 26th of February, the Seminar of Canon Law will host a workshop with Alberto Cavallarin on “Religious Experiences in the Age of Diversity: An Obstacle, or an Opportunity?” 
New Article: Contra Silentium Obsequiosum: On the Roman Catholic Approach to Dissent and Tradition6
New Article by Travis LaCouter, Ryszard Bobrowicz, Taylor Ott and Judith Gruber
January Comparative Law and Religion Event: Melicia Antonio on Hermandad Sacerdotal7
On January 22nd at 17:00, the Seminar of Canon Law will host the second event in collaboration with KU Leuven’s Theo Team, titled “Power, Authority, Governmentality: Transformations of Leadership in Religious Communities.” 
Discourses of Justice – Indicators of Crises?8
Dr. Ryszard Bobrowicz is participating in the symposium on January 9–10, 2025, at the Émile Durkheim Center for Crisis Analysis.
December Lineup with Comparative Law and Religion9
John Witte Jr. (Emory University) and Niels Valdemar Vinding (University of Copenhagen) visit Bonn University.
Kirchenrecht am Dies Academicus11
Im Rahmen des Programmes der KTF am Dies Academicus am 4. Dezember 2024 wird Dr. Ryszard Bobrowicz (Visiting Professor of Comparative Law and Religion) einen Vortrag von Zachary Gallant (Autor von Entnazifiziert euch! - Wider den Mythos der Vergangenheitsbewältigung) zum Thema "Braucht Deutschland eine Erinnerungspolitik 2.0?" moderieren.
On the Roman Catholic Approach to Dissent and Tradition12
Contra Silentium Obsequiosum: On the Roman Catholic Approach to Dissent and Tradition
Dr. Daniel Tibi übernimmt im Akademischen Jahr 2024/25
Visiting Professor14
Dr Ryszard Bobrowicz Visiting Professor of Comparative Law and Religion in 2024/2025
Workshop „An Aesthetic Hermeneutics of the Law?“15
Gemeinsamer Workshop von CTSI, Institut für Internationales Privatrecht und Rechtsvergleichung und Kirchenrechtlichem Seminar
Comparative Law and Religion16
New collaboration between the Chairs of Canon Law and Systematic Theology
Public Lecture17
R Bobrowicz: “On Credonomy: How to Study the Normative Consequences of Beliefs” 4 June, 6:15 p.m. (Seminar R. 1, Rabinstr. 8)
New Open Access Article18
J Hahn, Dissent as Deviance, in J Gruber, M Schüßler, R Bobrowicz, eds, Dissenting Church, London, Palgrave Macmillan, 2024.
New Open Access Article19
J Hahn, Sacraments of the Law: Discovering Common Ground of Law and Religion, Oxford Journal of Law and Religion 13 (2024).
New Open Access Article20
J Hahn, The Language Games of Canon Law: Strategic Ambiguity between Law and Religion, Oxford Journal of Law and Religion 13 (2024).
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