Universität Bonn

Katholisch-Theologische Fakultät

10. Juli 2024

Comparative Law and Religion Comparative Law and Religion

New collaboration between the Chairs of Canon Law and Systematic Theology

Comparative Law and Religion
Comparative Law and Religion © Ryszard Bobrowicz
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Comparative law and religion is a study area resulting from collaboration between the chairs of Canon Law and Systematic Theology at the Faculty of Catholic Theology, Bonn University. It aims to study the normative consequences of complex constellations of believing, belonging, and behaving and their interactions within, between, and across different religious and legal systems.

Dr Ryszard Bobrowicz will be Visiting Professor of Comparative Law and Religion at the Faculty in 2024/2025 to support and develop our joint research in this area at the CTSI and the Chair of Canon Law.

For more information, see project page1, or contact Dr Ryszard Bobrowicz at: clnr@theol.eu.

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