Universität Bonn

Katholisch-Theologische Fakultät

21. August 2023

Video "Nomos and Narrative" Video "Nomos and Narrative"

5 July 2023

Watch Ryszard Bobrowicz's lecture "Nomos and Narrative" at the Conference "Sacred Order", 5 July 2023.

Sacred Order: The Reliance of Ritual on Norms, the Emergence of Norms from Ritual
Sacred Order: The Reliance of Ritual on Norms, the Emergence of Norms from Ritual © Photo by Possessed Photography on Unplash.com
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Ryszard Bobrowicz, KU Leuven, Lecture "Nomos and Narrative: How Narrations Contribute to Norm Creation"1

Conference "Sacred Order: The Reliance of Ritual on Norms, the Emergence of Norms from Ritual" (4–6 July 2023), Katholisch-Theologische Fakultät, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn.

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