Universität Bonn

Katholisch-Theologische Fakultät

23. November 2023

Neuerscheinung | New Book Neuerscheinung | New Book

The Sacraments of the Law and the Law of the Sacraments
The Sacraments of the Law and the Law of the Sacraments - The cover image shows a plate by an unknown Italian artist depicting Gaius Popilius Laenas before the King of Syria, dated circa 1545. The reproduction of this image was kindly granted by the Art Gallery of New South Wales. © Art Gallery of New South Wales
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“Sacramentality” can serve as a category that helps to understand the performative power of religious and legal rituals. Through the analysis of “sacraments”, we can observe how law uses sacramentality to change reality through performative action, and how religion uses law to organise religious rituals, including sacraments. The study of sacramental action thus shows how law and religion intertwine to produce legal, spiritual and other social effects. In this study, Judith Hahn explores this interplay by interpreting the Catholic sacraments as examples of sacro-legal symbols that draw on the sacramental functioning of the law to provide both spiritual and legal goods to church members. By focusing on sacro-legal symbols from the perspective of sacramental theology, legal studies, ritual theory, symbol theory and speech act theory, the study reveals how law and religion work hand in hand to shape our social reality.

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