Universität Bonn

Katholisch-Theologische Fakultät

10. Mai 2017

Introduction to the Study of Liturgy Introduction to the Study of Liturgy

Albert Gerhards and Benedikt Kranemann, translated by Linda M. Maloney

Introduction to the Study of Liturgy
Introduction to the Study of Liturgy © Liturgical Press
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Worship is at the heart of the Christian faith. This applies equally to all denominations. For that reason, it is all the more important that the ordering of worship and its place in the life of the church is regularly rewritten and reinterpreted. This volume—based on the third, completely revised German edition from 2013 by two of the foremost liturgical scholars in Germany—offers a contemporary, comprehensive introduction to the foundations for the study of liturgy today, one from which scholars and students in the English-speaking world can also profit. Beyond appealing to students of liturgy and theology, this book reaches out to everyone who wants to know more about the liturgical essence and dimensions of the church.

Further Information can be found here1 on the publisher's website.

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