Universität Bonn

Katholisch-Theologische Fakultät

12. Dezember 2024

Master of Comparative Theological Studies Apply to our new MA program in Comparative Theological Studies.

Apply to our new MA program in Comparative Theological Studies. Applications are possible from now on for the next academic year, which starts in October 2025.

Master of Comparative Theological Studies

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Engage in a transformative academic journey that integrates scholarly rigor and interfaith understanding.
The Master (M.A.) of Comparative Theological Studies1 at the International Center for Comparative Theology and Social Issues (CTSI) in the University of Bonn provides an in-depth education in the theological traditions of Christianity, Islam, and Judaism. This research-focused program equips students with the critical tools and methodologies necessary for advanced comparative theological work while fostering the ability to address complex interreligious and intercultural questions with intellectual depth and sensitivity.

Apply to our new MA program in Comparative Theological Studies. Applications are possible from now on for the next academic year, which starts in October 2025. For more information, click here2!

For more information about the program or application process, please contact: ctsi@uni-bonn.de or +49 228 73621-62

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