Prof. Dr. Klaus von Stosch
CV of Klaus von Stosch
- Born on 9/15/1971 in Köln, married, six children.
- Ordained as a permanent civil deacon in January 2023.
- 1991-93 Studies of Catholic Theology and History in Bonn.
- 1993/94 Studies of Catholic Theology and Philosophy in Fribourg/Switzerland.
- 1994-97 Studies of Catholic Theology, Philosophy and Economics in Bonn. Scholarship in
“Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes”. - 1997 Diploma in Catholic Theology.
- 1997-2001 Ph.D. in Catholic Theology (Dogmatic Theology; Prof. Dr. Karl-Heinz Menke) in Bonn.
- Habilitation in Fundamental Theology (Prof. Dr. Jürgen Werbick) in Münster.
- July 2005 venia legendi for Fundamental Theology.
- 1998-2007 Academic Assistant at the department of Systematic Theology and Philosophy of Religion at the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Köln.
- 2006-2013 Visiting Professor in Jerusalem (five times always for two weeks) .
- 2007-2008 member and speaker of the Young Academy of Sciences of Nordrhein-Westfalen.
- Sept. 2007 Heisenberg-Scholarship for the projects comparative theology of religions, research of the understanding of revelation in Islam, intercultural Christology (granted for five years).
- Wintersemester 2007/08 temporary chairholder of Systematic Theology at the University of Köln.
- 2008-2021 Professor of Systematic Theology at the University of Paderborn.
- January-March 2009 Research Period at the Center for the Study of World Religions at Harvard Divinity School/USA.
- September 2009 Research Price of the University of Paderborn for the Project “Islam in Germany – intercultural and interreligious discourse in literature” (together with Prof. Dr. Michael Hofmann).
- November 2009-2021 chairman of the Centre of Comparative Theology and Cultural Studies (ZeKK) at the University of Paderborn.
- September-December 2016 Research Fellow at Georgetown University.
- 2018 International Book Award for the Book of the year for my book on Islam in the category Islamic Studies from the Islamic Republic of Iran.
- Since oct 2021 Schlegel-Professor for Systematic Theology and head of the International Center for Comparative Theology and Social Issues at the Catholic Theological Faculty of Bonn university.
Key note lectures at universities in Aarhus, Amsterdam, Ankara, Antwerp, Basel, Bern, Beyrouth,
Boston, Budapest, Cairo, Cambridge, Edinburgh, Geneva, Innsbruck, Isfahan, Istanbul, Jerusalem,
Koper, Linz, Mashhad, Palermo, Pećs, Qom, Salzburg, Tehran, Tunis, Uppsala, Vienna, Washington
D.C., Zurich.
Grants of the German Research Foundation on Qur’ranic Approaches to Jesus Christ in the
Perspective of Comparative Theology (funding period 2013-2018), on free will theology (2016-2019)
and on Christian Prophetology in Dialogue with Judaism and Islam (2019-2023). Grants from
Mercator Foundation, German Academic Exchange Service, different federal ministeries, Templeton
Foundation and Thyssen Foundation for more than 3 millions Euros, mostly in the field of MuslimChristian relations.